I mentioned a month ago or so that I had an "unplayed" Hammond XB-2, and someone suggested that I plug it up to make sure it is still working. Played it today....works GREAT!

Actually, I originally bought two; one for the gig and one for my warehouse. The one in the warehouse has been turned on 4 times. There is not a mark on it. About the time I got the 2nd XB-2, I moved a little Hammond M in, restored it (I know totally wasted money) and used it with a 147 RV for spec work.

The Xb 2 is for sale for $500.00. For those I know I would send it on spec and allow a few months for payment.

Funds will go to a local VA for a new TV.


Edited by captain Russ (09/14/16 11:34 AM)